cast tec phone number 0191 497 4280
Monday - Thursday:
9am - 5pm
9am - 1pm
Saturday & Sunday:

The CastTec Solid Fuel Integra (SFI) is a range of beautiful cast-iron inserts that integrate with one of the most efficient 5kW output stoves on the market today.

The SFI inset stove has a multi-fuel grate which allows the burning of seasoned wood or smokeless fuels, achieving outputs of 5kW as well as efficiencies approaching 80% with the most minimal of carbon emissions.

Our new generation Polaris inset stove fulfils all the benefits of the SFI inset stove, but has an increased efficiency, a convector chamber (producing additional heat exiting from below the canopy), a wider screen for viewing, a new riddling grate and has the option of a removable handle, making it safer to open the stove door before the stove has cooled down.

All Integra cast-iron inserts, mantelpieces and hearths shown are interchangeable, allowing you to design your own fireplace; it is advisable when using solid fuels to use only natural materials for the mantelpieces and hearths.

In addition, hearths (whether boxed and lipped or Munro) should be cut into sections to allow for expansion.

Solid Fuel Integra can be used in smoke controlled areas (DEFRA exempt) and attains European Efficiency and Emission Requirements to the highest level to achieve ′EcoDesign 2022´.

Polaris Arched Integra Inserts
polaris integra royal solid fuel insert
Polaris Royal
polaris integra majestic solid fuel insert
Polaris Majestic
polaris integra regal solid fuel insert
Polaris Regal
polaris integra ashbourne highlight polished
Polaris Ashbourne Highlight
Polaris Tiled Integra Inserts
polaris integra aston tiled insert
Polaris Aston
polaris integra eden tiled insert
Polaris Eden
polaris integra art nouveau tiled insert
Polaris Art Nouveau
Cast Tec Ltd. reserve the right to delay or withdraw products, change designs, specifications or materials without prior notice due to continuous product development or supply issues. Photographs and designs shown in this website are the copyright and design rights of Cast Tec Ltd. and can only be used or copied with permission.