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Polaris Integra Royal

The Polaris Integra Royal is a traditional cast iron arched insert integrated with our Polaris Inset Eco multi-fuel stove. This combination gives the appearance of a classic cast iron fireplace but incorporates one of the most efficient and contemporary wood burning stoves on the market today.

Designed in the UK this fireplace is sturdy, practical and sports a convector chamber (producing additional heat from below the canopy), a wide screen for viewing, a riddling action which shakes ash into the ashpan and has the option of a removable handle, making it safer to open the stove door before the stove has cooled down.

With a nominal heat output up to 5kW (therefore no additional air vent required in your room) we are confident offer a 10 year conditional warranty on this stove excluding internal consumable parts such as the window, baffle plate, bricks, bottom grate, ashpan and rope seals.

The Polaris Inset Eco multi-fuel stove complies with EcoDesign 2022 regulations and with its high efficiency and low carbon emissions is allowed by DEFRA to be used in smoke-controlled areas across the UK for the burning of seasoned wood and HETAS approved smokeless fuels.

View Installation and User Manual
  • multi-fuel grate for wood burning or smokeless fuels
  • primary air burn (control on door)
  • airwash secondary burn (lever on right of trim)
  • convection chamber increases efficiency
  • riddle action shakes ash into ashpan (control bottom left of door)
  • fixed or detachable door handle option
  • 10 year conditional warranty
polaris insert eco diagram
Nominal Heat Output4.6kW 4.8kW
Energy Efficiency79.2% 76.8%
Fuel Outlet Top
Fuel Pipe Dimension 125mm (5")
Minimum Fuel Size125mm (5")
Dist. CombustiblesSide: 350 mm >Above: 600 mm
Operational ModeIntermittent*
Construction Cast-iron
Finish High Temp. Resistance Paint
Weight 75Kg
*Intermittent combustion in this context means normal use of the STOVE, i.e., fuel is added as soon as the fuel has burnt down. This is not intending for overnight burning.
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