cast tec phone number 0191 497 4280
Monday - Thursday:
9am - 5pm
9am - 1pm
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Polaris Inset Polished

The Polaris Integra Inset is a 5kW cast-iron stove with an arch design which can be polished or matt black in finish. This model looks attractive by itself but also integrates uniquely with our stunning Integra cast-iron fireplace range shown on the following pages.

The Polaris Inset has a convection chamber which allows cold air to enter below the stove and pass up through the chamber whilst warming up and then re-enters the room through vents above the stove door creating an increased efficiency.

The mantelpiece shown is the elegant Kensington in natural Slate Stone, also available in Turkish limestone and Spanish Crema Marfil marble.

The hearth and back panel are shown in honed Shanxi black granite, offering a nice contrast to the polished stove outer band. The hearth is in our Munro design and is sectioned for solid fuel to allow for expansion.

View Installation and User Manual

  • multi-fuel grate for wood burning or smokeless fuels
  • primary air burn (control on door)
  • airwash secondary burn (lever on right of trim)
  • convection chamber increases efficiency
  • riddle action shakes ash into ashpan (control bottom left of door)
  • fixed or detachable door handle option
  • 10 year conditional warranty

polaris inset eco diagram
Nominal Heat Output4.6kW 4.8kW
Energy Efficiency79.2% 76.8%
Fuel Outlet Top
Fuel Pipe Dimension 125mm (5")
Minimum Fuel Size125mm (5")
Dist. CombustiblesSide: 350 mm
Above: 600 mm
Operational ModeIntermittent*
Construction Cast-iron
Finish High Temp. Resistance Paint
Weight 75Kg
*Intermittent combustion in this context means normal use of the STOVE, i.e., fuel is added as soon as the fuel has burnt down. This is not intending for overnight burning.
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